Thursday, May 21, 2015

animation final

      Me and some friends wanted to make a scene that had to include a 3-D model, a green screen effect and a special effect in it. so what we did is we took a video of New York which we put all of the requirements in.


  The process that me and my friends followed to make this scene was to first start to come up with ideas and storyboarding then splitting up the parts to each person in the group and then we all went to are computers and started working on the part of the projector we were assigned. next we put all the finished prod outs together.


though out the project i learned something that would have made it easier. I learn that in order to complete this project in a better manner we needed a lot more team collaboration and i also learned how to use the edge and vertex tools effectively.


  If we did this project again i would want to make better and more complexes space ships and make it so our group would be more organized so we could complete this project in a more efficient  manner and make the project in a better quality.

         The things we keep the same is the project idea because it was an easy idea that we could go the mile with if we wanted to and we would give the same parts of the projects to the same people because they complete the section to good quality for the project.

           something that i could draw from this experience for future projects is to keep the teamwork on a high level your project will turn out better then you just doing the project with them and not planning anything out. another thing i can take out this project is when you film the green screen scene to have a good actor or actress in the shot so in the quality of the film won't be reduced.

     some general thoughts i had about this project was that it was a fun creative project and it gave us a lot of room to think and be creative. the project didn't have a lot of guide lines so we could make our own ideas and granted a lot of freedom which you should keep the same for the years to come.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

video final (the heist)

       In this project 3 of my friends and me made a short film and we had some guide lines while filming the film a short film that had to included a water bottle, a hat and a intentional source of light. the film we decided to make was a spy type film where a spy is going to steal some money but gets caught and is interrogated, when he escapes the grip of the cops at the end of the film he show the audience the money at the beginning of the film which he took at a point  in time no saw.

       The process me and my friends followed was to plan  the story first then start writing out a scripted then start drawing the scenes out and what you want to happen in them then get our equipment and go to the location we need and start filming then we bring it back to are computer and start editing.

       Some of the things that i learned thought out this project we made was not to film into a strong source of light unless intentional. another thing to to check your camera before going out to film because you might get to location you want to film in and realized that the audio docent work which could set you back a lot of time.

       Thought out our process of filming this short film we had some problems that i wish we could of changed. like when we were filming in the flex theater we weren't ready when we got there so we had to spend extra time doing unnecessary thing when we could of been filming, the effect of this was a contiunety error because the layout of the theater changed in-inbetween the days that we filmed. another thing in the lighting in the integration room was different in a lot of the shots we took.

      While we were filming there were good things that we did. like sequenceing of the shots we took and how we edited them together it was really smooth and not jumpy in anyway. another good thing was the acting in the film and how it added to the overall  project, it keep the audience engaged.

       Throughout this project i learned some things. when we were filming in the integration we filmed in to a bright source of light which isn't good for the lighting if you film more then one day. another thing is when filming make sure that you try everything out on the camera so when you get to the location you don't find that a certain aspected dosent work.

       Sdome general thoughts i have about this project is that it was one of the more fun projects we worked on because we had some guide lines to follow so we had to find ways to get around them which was fun and it was a great projected because it made us get creative.